

What? This elective is about improving the drawing skills and technique of student by attending series of drawing workshop. During this workshops different drawing skills and technique was introduced to develop and improve the method of drawing, and also shading techniques.

So what? On my first workshop, it was about developing the skills of perspective drawing. During this workshop, drawing of single point perspective, two point perspective and three-point perspective was thought, which I didn’t know much about so I found that session very essential for me as Interior Architecture student because perspective drawing is one of the drawing skill use in drawing and developing spaces. On that day, were practice on these three types of perspective drawings.

The first was a single point perspective od an interior of a building(a room).

IMAG1581 In this drawing there is only one vanishing point, that makes it one point perspective.

Then the second was about two point perspective of square shapes and cylinder forms. Not only perspective was involved in this second drawing but also tone( shading), to show light and shadow.

IMAG1582In this one the vanishing points are two, one on the lift and the other on the right. The source of light is also showing by the way and where shading is.

The third one, that is the three-point perspective, has three vanishing point as shown in the image below.

IMAG1579On 14th March 2016, which was the last day of drawing workshop was about Pattern and textured. It was about drawing the texture of objects like animal shells and a feather to create patterns. Apart from pattern drawing, we also did shapes overlay and tonal study.

IMAG1590Image of Objects

IMAG1608Image showing Pattern,shapes overlay and tonal study.

During the workshop when drawing, I realize that not only patterns I see when I look at the objects but also some sort of designs that can be a building or even a shape of a space.

Now what? The next step is to practise more on these drawing skills and techniques, even improve more on them. And also trying new drawing skill as will to benefit me in my course and in the future as an interior Architecture.

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