

What? The workshop On the 30 November 2015 was about print and in this workshop we learnt about bookbinding. The tutor for this workshop was                                   .

So what? In this workshop we were thought about three ways to bind a book that is Concertina bookbinding, Pamphlet stitch bookbinding and Japanese stab bookbinding. In which we did two ways to bind a book.


Now to start this method of book binding, the materials and tools needed are A4 papers, thread, needle, an awl, knife, a bone and a clipper.

IMAG1175An AwlClip


So first, fold the paper in ½ like a book and use the bone to level it by placing in a 40° angel from the left hand side and move it up to the top, to level it and now use the knife to cut through the spine and fold one of the cut papers in ½ like the first.

IMAG1207After punch 3 holes along the spine of the book with an awl( a safety pin can be use too).



IMAG1208Then measure and cut a piece of thread 2.5 times the length of the book spine.




Now open the book and clip the upper side of the book to hold the thead.





Now thread the string through the centre and thread through the top hole.


IMAG1211now string form the top hole, thread through the bottom hole skipping the centre hole.




IMAG1212After thread back through the centre hole and tighten up the stitch but don’t for get to remove the clip before tighten it.



IMAG1211Tie the thread around the string running alongside spine and cut of the excess string.



IMAG1178Image of the book i made after this method.


In this type of binding, there is no stitching. You only need A3 paper, the knife and a bone for this method.


Frist fold the A3 paper in 1/2 and cut it into two sheet, take one and fold in ½, now fold the edges back toward the centre and the same to the other side.

IMAG1214After the folding, this is how the paper should look like.

After the folding make, the next step is to make a cover with a strong card to be slightly larger than the book dimension (the folded sheet) Plus a spine (depending on the thickness of the book, the wider the spine), now score the spine by folding each edge toward the other, make sure the fold is on the mark line of the spine.

IMAG1221Now glue one side of the page of the cover and insight the book by attaching the first page on the glued area of the cover, make sur is well position.


Image of the book


Now what? Though the knowledge acquired in this workshop I can now bind my own sketch book and note books or pad. We were told three ways of book binding and did two of it so in the next few days am going to practice on how to the Japanese stab book binding.

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